

I discover


I discover


Inoar, the committed cosmetics

The Inoar teams work daily, for over 10 years, to be a recognized and respected cosmetics brand on a global scale, favored by consumers and beauty professionals. Each action taken by Inoar is guided by 3 main pillars: respect for people, animals, and the environment. Today, it offers innovative, affordable, and superior quality products.

A family story

Innocence Manoel worked as a hairdresser for years before creating her own beauty salon. Quickly, she devoted a lot of time to researching new products and formulated treatments that proved to be very effective. Meanwhile, her half-brother, Alexandre Nascimento, has been representing international cosmetics brands since his teenage years. Together, they understood the market like no other. Innocence Manoel personally reformulated the products she used in her salon. The results were successful among professionals.

Her beauty salon in São Paulo became a reference point for hairdressers looking for courses and information on this technique. The success was so great and there were so many orders that artisanal production was no longer sufficient. Today, Inoar exports to more than 40 countries and has offices in over 30 cities worldwide.

Inoar rewrites the history of straightening

Inoar owes its success to the use of Glyoxylic Acid. Now recognized worldwide, the use of this active ingredient as a straightening product by Inoar was a revolution in 2005. The brand developed protocols for different techniques: straightening, waving, volume reduction, curl softening, permanent waves... Thanks to this, Inoar has traveled the continents: Europe, Americas, Middle East, South Africa, and Asia.

Project Beleza Solidária, Beauty inspires beauty

Inoar believes that beauty, in its essence, is one of the most contagious forces in the world. And that through it, it is possible to transform lives and give people the right to be protagonists of their own story. Inoar created the Beleza Solidária project for empowering women in Brazil and abroad. The goal is to help them regain their identity and independence. By offering courses to low-income populations, the initiative aims to provide women with a path to self-sufficiency in supporting their families.