
Mïmare Hair Care

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Mïmare Taking care of oneself and the environment

At the origin of the brand is an awareness of the impact of humans on our environment. The earth is a living organism of which we are a part. In fact, it is estimated that there are between 5 and 50 billion pieces of plastic in the oceans, which can be ingested by marine life and end up in our bodies.

It is from this idea that Mïmare was born, a brand of hair care products with vegan formulas and a high percentage of natural ingredients. In its etymological origin, Mïmare is composed of two terms: mare ('sea' in Italian) and mimar ('to pamper', to treat someone or something with affection and delicacy). This play on words represents their social commitment, both towards humans and the environment.

Out of ecological consciousness, Mïmare only offers products with a high percentage of natural components. Their lightweight and flexible packaging contains less plastic than traditional packaging, thus minimizing its carbon footprint during transportation.

Mïmare Their commitments

• Eco-responsible packaging with 67% less plastic.
• Quality products ensuring highly natural and biodegradable ingredients
• Taking care of animals and respecting them through vegan products
• Ensuring that their actions have the least possible impact on the environment, focusing particularly on the degradation of our seas and oceans.

Hair care with Mïmare

Mïmare offers products for every hair type: dry, curly, rebellious, colored, blond, normal, or brittle, with a minimum of 91% natural origin ingredients, vegan, and with 100% recyclable packaging. Each segment consists of a short and effective routine with a shampoo, conditioner, mask, and sometimes a leave-in treatment.

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